+977-57-521 133

Working Sectors and Area

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> Working Area

MDI Working Sectors

MDI is basically involved working in following sectors. These are:

1. Institution Building
2. Rural Infrastructure Development Works
       a. Rural road
       b. Drinking water schemes
       c. Small irrigation (gravity canal, water harvesting ponds, lift irrigation, drip and sprinklers
       d. Marketing collection centers
3. Environmental Programme
       a. Small/micro irrigation
       b. Renewable Energy Promotion Programme
           i)  Biogas
           ii)  Solar home
           iii)  Improved cooking stoves
           iv)  Vermicomposting
4. Livelihood Support Programmes
       a. Off-season vegetable production (commercial)
       b. Food crops
       c. Small scale fisheries
       d. NTFPs and livestock (goat)
       e. Small scale piggeries
5. Capacity Building
       a. Training
       b. Exposures