CARP SIS Polyculture Research Farm
MDI has just established a CARP-SIS Polyculture Research Center in Hattibyaune of Handikhola VDC-7. The farm covers 0.3 ha. area and is contracted for 10 years on lease. A short view of the farm as shown in the banner is as follows.
CARP-SIS Polyculture Research
MDI’s vision has been in highest proximity wit SATOYAMA Initiative (SI) – that of working in tandem with nature. Recognizing this, the
Small Grants Programme (SGP) of UNDP, the true custodian of SI in Nepal, has offered a series of ground-breaking works to MDI. MDI was recently entrusted by SGP to prepare the draft COMDEKS stratey for Nepal which has now been approved by the National Steering Committee (NSC). As a follow-on to the COMDEKS strategy, MDI has been awarded another petty project in partnership with local Churiya Agriculture Cooperative Limited on conserving the indigenous (native) fishes otherwise tending towards the extinction. Due to current most notorious practice of harvesting fishes from the river by using electrical devices, poisons, etc., the extinction of not only indigenous fish species, but also the entire fish world of Nepal is severely threatened. Experts have estimated that there are about 232 fish species in Nepal’s river system of which indigenous fish constitute 217 and exotic 15. Out of them 2 species are endangered, 9 species vulnerable and 23 species are under nearly threatened.
A joint programme conducted in Katthar VDC of Chitwan in the year 2010-11 on Carp SIS polyculture system showed the positive response growing CARPs and SIS together in ponds under the banner of polyculture system. The overall productivity measured was as high as 10% more than of growing CARPs alone.
The new project is entitled “Conservation of Indigenous Fish Bio-diversity in East Rapti River Basin (ERB) through CARP-SIS Polyculture ” with a three-pronged objectives of conserving local fish species, improving family nutrition (particularly with enhanced intake of vitamin A, protein, and calcium) and raising family income.
MDI Upland Farming Research Center (UFRC)
MDI has established its own Agriculture Research Center in Chuwarpakha village of Handikhola VDC-7 in Makawanpur in memory of
Ryutaro Hashimoto APFED Award 2008. The total land area is 3 ha located in 700 m altitude within fragile churiya range base.
The main purpose of the research center is to explore appropriate and sustainable farming technologies that matches with the rainfed uplands in sloping areas affected through intensive shifting cultivation practices.
Different models of agroforestry systems following the principles of Sloping Agriculture Land Technology (SALT) methods will be tested in the research center in consultation with the professional experts and farmers in long term basis. The findings, information resulted from research activity would be disseminated among its relevant beneficiaries through training and exposures.