MDI Nepal – Overall Grant Status (2002-2018)
MDI since its establishment in 2001 has so far received a total amount of Rs. 407,937,377 (US $ 4,891,042) till the period of 2018 with an annual turnover of US $ 287,708 of which largest share is contributed by World Food Programme (WFP) with almost 60% of the total grant followed by PAF 20%, FAO 9%, Danida 8%, SGP 3%, WWF 1%, GIZ 0.31% and DDC 0.14%. We thank all the donors for their partnership and contribution made so far for different development activities during this period

MDI Nepal – Summary of Overall Physical Progress (2002-2018)
MDI has accomplished number of activities in various districts covering almost over 70 thousand families from 194 VDCs in 15 districts during this period which constitute 56% of the total households of the entire VDCs. The activities include mainly the social infrastructures (irrigation, rural roads, micro-hydro, drinking water supply etc.), agriculture (high value cash crops/agroforestry in marginal lands, input support etc.) and in environmental sector primarily in promotion of energy saving technologies (solar home systems, rural electrification, biogas, ICS and in rejuvenating degraded lands through responsible agroforestry. In addition, in recent years it has successfully launched aquaculture activities in different district including environment friendly Carp-SIS aquaculture in which local fish species are preserved in aquaculture ponds mixed with Carp species. This is mainly practiced in Handikhola area of Makawanpur district. In terms of breeding, MDI has achieved landmark success in breeding of common carp in higher altitude in Jumla (2500 m altitude) which is supposed to be the first success in such climatic zone of Nepal.