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UNEP Sasakawa Prize




 Speech Note deliberated to the 26th Session of the UNEP Governing Council Meeting/Global Ministerial Environment Forum (23 February 2011) by Mr. Khop Narayan Shrestha, Executive Chairperson, MDI-Nepal


Your Excellencyunepspeech
Distinguished Guests
Ladies & Gentlemen


Let me frankly confess that I owe an immense gratitude to your esteemed organization for so graciously granting our organization – MDI, a highly commemorated UNEP-Sasakawa Prize 2010-2011. This, I am sure, will provide an unprecedented impetus to our revered mission in life.

Our’s is a tiny organization suffocating under the rather stringent competition of other larger and more influential organizations that have freer access to resources by virtue of their sheer access. However, our vision and mission is not so tiny, we are nurturing a dream wherever we work-a vision that no people-will remain under-fed, will sleep under the sky-cover, would die of common ailments, will devoid children of the most basic nutrition and education, and will subject women to the vicissitudes of unaccounted work load burden. These are our colossal agenda and we continue to remain firm as rock, no matter whether we are given roses or thorn. The prized gift of rose that your esteemed organization has provided to us in lieu of our work in improving upland agriculture, from shifting & subsistence practices to a more sustainable one, has enormously stimulated us further to keep our dreams and vision alive as livewire. We assure you that we will not leave any stone unturned to make each penny of the award counted and spent wisely in promoting similar activities to conserve hills of Nepal.

We highly regard you and panel of judge experts for this considerate decision. This has boosted our morale immensely. We reckon that this is only the beginning. Through our works, we have won tiny battle-the real war is yet to be fought. I would like to promise on this February gathering that we will play a crucial role in waging a pro-active war against degraded environment, associated hunger, deprivation and destitution-so heavily existing in the lesser fortunate part of the globe.

I believe, UNEP will continue to support local initiatives with the noblest of objective to keep the world free of hunger in intergenerational terms.

Thanks and regards from within the heart.

Khop Narayan Shrestha
Executive Chairperson